answer shortly 意味

  • 素っ気{そっけ}なく答える


        shortly:    {副-1} : 間もなく、すぐに、近いうちに、近々{ちかぢか} I'll be with you shortly. すぐにそちらへ参ります。 I'm leaving for London shortly. もうすぐロンドンに出発する。 Helen will arrive shortly, so please be patient. じきにヘレンが到着するはずなので、もうちょっと辛抱してください
        appear shortly:    近刊{きんかん}
        at shortly after:    _時を少し過ぎた頃に
        be published shortly:    be published shortly 近刊[基礎]
        mutter shortly:    無愛想{ぶあいそう}に[素っ気{そっけ}なく]つぶやく
        published shortly:    《be ~》近刊{きんかん}
        say shortly:    素っ気{そっけ}なく言う、ぶっきら棒に言う
        shortly after:    shortly after 程無く ほどなく
        shortly afterward:    その後間もなく、程なく
        shortly before:    すぐ前に、ちょっと前に He reached home shortly before five o'clock.
        shortly but clearly:    簡単{かんたん}だが明りょうに
        shortly put:    簡単{かんたん}に言えば
        shortly subsequent to:    ~の直後{ちょくご}に
        shortly thereafter:    shortly thereafter 程なく ほどなく
        to put it shortly:    簡潔{かんけつ}に[手短{てみじか}に?端的{たんてき}に?かいつまんで]言えば、早い話が◆【同】to make [cut] a long story short To put it briefly [shortly], we need to find someone willing and capable of doing this. 簡単に言えば、これを遂行する意志と能力のある人を見つける


  1. "answer sheepishly" 意味
  2. "answer sheet" 意味
  3. "answer sheet exam" 意味
  4. "answer sheet examination" 意味
  5. "answer sheet for computer scoring" 意味
  6. "answer signal" 意味
  7. "answer simply and honestly" 意味
  8. "answer snappishly" 意味
  9. "answer some of the baby's demands" 意味
  10. "answer sheet examination" 意味
  11. "answer sheet for computer scoring" 意味
  12. "answer signal" 意味
  13. "answer simply and honestly" 意味

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